Athom Studios, under the direction of Thomas Bernos, created the spacesuits and dynamic poses for Samsung's newest Galaxy campaign – which has garnered the attention of The New York Times. "Samsung Electronics is taking, fittingly, a galactic approach, with an international marketing campaign that blends science fiction with soccer fandom," reported Andrew Adam Newman. "Earth is being invaded by aliens, and the only way to save the planet is to beat the invaders in a soccer match."
For the suits, R/GA approached Bernos with examples of the desired textures, colors, and cuts. "I had room for creation and our team designed several versions using detailed digital sketches," he explained. "For the action poses, R/GA again provided photo references, but for the walking poses, we looked to male runway models." Using ZBrush, Photoshop, and 3ds Max, he and his team made 65 images – five for each player.
The finishing touches included compositing Cristiano Ronaldo's and Lionel Messi's heads onto the suited-up figures. "That was reassuring, since we were working on headless bodies from the beginning," Bernos remarked. "It was a great feeling to find out it looked natural and realistic … coming from the world of animation, we were used to doing more cartoon-like characters and this project helped us further develop our skills."
For the suits, R/GA approached Bernos with examples of the desired textures, colors, and cuts. "I had room for creation and our team designed several versions using detailed digital sketches," he explained. "For the action poses, R/GA again provided photo references, but for the walking poses, we looked to male runway models." Using ZBrush, Photoshop, and 3ds Max, he and his team made 65 images – five for each player.
The finishing touches included compositing Cristiano Ronaldo's and Lionel Messi's heads onto the suited-up figures. "That was reassuring, since we were working on headless bodies from the beginning," Bernos remarked. "It was a great feeling to find out it looked natural and realistic … coming from the world of animation, we were used to doing more cartoon-like characters and this project helped us further develop our skills."